
Alon: Journal for Filipinx American and Diasporic Studies
The mission of Alon is to provide an on-line forum for publishing original and refereed essays, artwork, reviews, and moderated reflections that productively and critically engage with Filipinx American and Filipinx Diasporic Studies. Through Alon, we aim to generate and showcase works that positively engage with and critically analyze key questions in the production of knowledges regarding Filipinx Americans and Filipinx diasporic subjects: how are Filipinx bodies represented across multiple forms of media and in what ways do Filipinx people cultivate and create identities and subjectivities to counter these representations? What are the experiences of Filipinx migrants and what about these experiences shed light on the nature of global racial capitalism? How do they imagine and organize toward non-extractive, sustainable futures? How do Filipinx people construct an alternative global archipelago of being and belonging? How are these fields’ particular theoretical and methodological approaches rooted in scholarly production and activism? How are these projects linked with attempts to trace interracial solidarites, as fraught as they may be, to disrupt racial capitalism’s impulse to both homogenize and propagate “multicultural” difference? These and other related questions drive the work behind and in front of Alon.
Alon seeks submissions from those who are engaged in fields that include, but not limited to: Filipinx Studies, Philippine Studies, Filipinx American Studies, Asian American Studies, Asian Studies, Ethnic Studies, Diaspora/Transnationalism Studies, Gender Studies, Sexuality Studies, Cultural Studies, Literature, and the Visual and Performing Arts.
Check out the Alon site HERE

Asian America: 2nd Edition
By: Dr. Pawan Dhingra and Dr. Robyn Magalit Rodriguez
Through vivid examples and clear discussion of a broad range of theories, the authors explore the contributions of Asian American Studies, sociology, psychology, history, and other fields to understanding Asian Americans, and vice versa. The new edition includes further pedagogical elements to help readers apply the core theoretical and analytical frameworks encountered. In addition, the book takes readers beyond the boundaries of the United States to cultivate a comparative understanding of the Asian experience, as it has become increasingly global and diasporic.
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Contemporary Asian American Activism: Building Movements for Liberation
Edited By: Dr. Diane C. Fujino and Dr. Robyn Magalit Rodriguez
Bringing together grassroots organizers and scholar-activists, Contemporary Asian American Activism presents lived experiences of the fight for transformative justice and offers lessons to ensure the longevity and sustainability of organizing. In the face of imperialism, white supremacy, racial capitalism, heteropatriarchy, ableism, and more, the contributors celebrate victories and assess failures, reflect on the trials of activist life, critically examine long-term movement building, and inspire continued mobilization for coming generations.
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Filipino American Transnational Activism: Diasporic Politics among the Second Generation
Edited By: Dr. Robyn Magalit Rodriguez
Offers an account of how Filipinos born or raised in the United States often defy the multiple assimilationist agendas that attempt to shape their understandings of themselves. Despite conditions that might lead them to reject any kind of relationship to the Philippines in favor of a deep rootedness in the United States, many forge linkages to the “homeland” and are actively engaged in activism and social movements transnationally. Though it may well be true that most Filipino Americans have an ambivalent relationship to the Philippines, many of the chapters of this book show that other possibilities for belonging and imaginaries of “home” are being crafted and pursued.
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Black Lives & Brown Freedom
By Kirby Allen Tayag Araullo
An African American soldier “beheaded” deep in the jungle, a volcano crater filled with hundreds of desperate refugees, and church bells tainted with horrific bloodshed in the howling wilderness... What went on in the islands of the Philippines between 1899 to 1913? Black Lives & Brown Freedom: Untold Histories of War, Solidarity, & Genocide” vividly engages its readers with the almost forgotten experiences and bond between Filipinos and African Americans in the events surrounding the Philippine-American War.
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Migrants for Export
By Dr. Robyn Magalit Rodriguez
Dr. Robyn Magalit Rodriguez investigates how and why the Philippine government transformed itself into what she calls a labor brokerage state, which actively prepares, mobilizes, and regulates its citizens for migrant work abroad. Drawing on ethnographic research of the Philippine government’s migration bureaucracy, interviews, and archival work, Rodriguez presents a new analysis of neoliberal globalization and its consequences for nation-state formation.
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Pinay Guerrilleras
By Stacey Anne Baterina Salinas
Bulosan Center scholar Stacey Salinas recently released her book, Pinay Guerrilleras: The Unsung Heroics of the Filipina Resistance Fighters During the Pacific War! With the surrender of the Bataan Peninsula and the fortified island Corregidor in the Spring of 1942, all hope seemed lost in securing true Philippine sovereignty and democracy.
But, almost overnight, the Philippine underground resistance began to take shape. Units made up of guerrilla volunteers from all walks of life participated in the liberation of the Philippines. The women guerrillas of the resistance, or guerrilleras, are one such group who have received less attention in Pacific Theater histories. The names and faces of those Filipina guerrilla soldiers, who conducted espionage, nursed the wounded, led raids, and raised armies have nearly been forgotten. The rigid gender barriers guerrilleras faced both on and off the field of duty resulted in their stories being silenced or relegated to less commanding roles in the aftermath of the war. This book attempts to bring these stories to light so that the legacy of these unsung Filipina resistance fighters lives on.
For more information and to review other publications on Filipino American WWII History by Stacey Anne Salinas please click this link. If you would like to support Filipino writers and the Bulosan Center for Filipino Studies, click the button below.

Issue #1: Philippine Prisons & Policing
By Dana Dela Cruz and Jared Keating
This zine briefly attempts to uncover and explore the linkages between American and Philippine systems of policing, prisons, surveillance, and state violence. The first section gives a survey of prisons and policing systems established in the Philippines under Spanish and American colonial rule; The ways in which these institutions and tactics have intensified under leaders like Marcos & Duterte are covered after. The second section explores how policing tactics traveled through the "capillaries of empire"—between the US & Philippines—as US counterinsurgency efforts against Filipino revolutionaries influenced American censorship, surveillance, and policing.
Abeleda, N., Katherine Nasol, and Mikayla Konefal (2019). Gender Justice in the Filipinx Community. Harvard Asian American Policy Review, 29.
Cruz, Maya, J. Jordan, S. A. Baterina Salinas, R. Jones, S. Thomas, A. Ney, & S. Giordano. (2019). Using the Feminist Science Shop Model for Social Justice: A Case Study in Challenging the Nexus of Racist Policing and Medical Neglect. Women’s Studies Journal, Special Issue: Futures of Feminist Science Studies. Spring 2019.
Garcia, N. (2019, January 18). Book Review - Pinay Guerrilleras: The Unsung Heroics of Filipina Resistance Fighters During the Pacific War. Retrieved October 6, 2020, from
Garcia, N. (2018, November 25). "Diversity" in Academia: How the Ivory Tower Stays White. Retrieved April 16, 2019, from
Garcia, N. (2020, October 5). Garcia on McNally, 'Defend the Sacred: Native American Religious Freedom beyond the First Amendment.' Retrieved October 6, 2020, from
Gonzalez, Vernadette Vicuña and Robyn Magalit Rodriguez. (2003). Filipina Bodies on the Cyberfrontier. Pp. 215-234. in Asian edited by Rachel Lee and Sau-Ling Wong. New York and London: Routledge.
Nasol, K. and Roy B. Taggueg (2019). Housing and the Filipinx Community. Scholars Strategy Network, forthcoming.
Nasol, K. (2014). Tracing Trafficking Throughout the Migrant's Journey, in Migrants Review: Researches and Essays on Migrant Domestic Workers in Hong Kong. Retrieved from
Rodriguez, R. and Valerie Francisco. Countertopographies of Migrant Women: Transnational Families, Space and Labor as Solidarity, Working USA 17(3).
Rodriguez, R. and Valerie Francisco. Globalization and the Rise of Undocumented Migration, in Hidden Lives and Human Rights: Understanding the Controversies and Tragedies in Undocumented Immigration, edited by Lois Lorentzen, editor. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio.
Rodriguez, R. (2008). The Labor Brokerage State and the Globalization of Filipina Care Workers. Signs: Journal of Women and Culture in Society 33: 794-799.
Rodriguez, R. (2017). Lumad Anti-Mining Activism in the Philippines. In Against Colonization and Rural Dispossession: Local Resistance in South and East Asia, the Pacific and Africa. Dip Kapoor, ed., London: Zed Press.
Rodriguez, R. (2002). Migrant Heroes: Nationalism, Citizenship and the Politics of Filipino Migrant Labor. Citizenship Studies, 6: 342-356.
Rodriguez, R. (2011). Philippine Migrants in the Middle East. International Labor and Working Class History 78 (1).
Rodriguez, R. Towards a Critical Filipino Studies Approach to Philippine Migration, in Filipino Studies: Palimpsests of Nation and Diaspora. Martin Manalansan and Augusto Espiritu, eds., New York: New York University Press.
Rodriguez, R. and Nerissa Balce-Cortes. American Security and Radical Filipino Community Politics Post-9/11. Peace Review 1:131-140.
Salinas, S.A.B. (2015) “Uncovering Chinatown: The Manila Hub of San Luis Obispo.” La Vista: A Journal of Central Coast History, History Center of San Luis Obispo County 1 (October 2015): pp. 109-114.
Salinas, S.A.B. and Allan Jason Sarmiento (2019). The Legacy of Dawn Mabalon: Preserving Little Manila in the Heart of California. The Journal of California History, forthcoming.
Sarmiento, A.J. (2014). From the Shadows: The Emergence of Filipino Farmworker Activism in the American Collective Memory. Clio History Journal 25. Retrieved from
Policy Briefs
Abeleda, N., Katherine Nasol, and Mikayla Konefal (2018). Gender Justice in the Pilipinx Community. Bulosan Center for Filipino Studies. Retrieved from
Alejandro, A. and Roy B. Taggueg (2018). Immigration History and Policy Recommendations. Bulosan Center for Filipino Studies. Retrieved from
Nasol, K. and Roy B. Taggueg (2018). Proposition 10: Housing and the Filipino Community. Bulosan Center for Filipino Studies. Retrieved from
Truong, A. and Katherine Nasol (2018). Ethnic Studies: The Filipino Community and Educational Justice. Bulosan Center for Filipino Studies. Retrieved from
Viray M. and Wayne Jopanda (2018). Workers Rights History and Policy Recommendations. Bulosan Center for Filipino Studies. Retrieved from