Alon: Journal for Filipinx American and Diasporic Studies an Honorable Mention for CELJ Best New Journal Award

The Bulosan Center for Filipinx Studies would like to announce that Alon: Journal for Filipinx American and Diasporic Studies has been selected an Honorable Mention for the Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ) Best New Journal Award for 2022.
Below are the judges' comments below.
Honorable Mention: Alon: Journal for Filipinx American and Diasporic Studies
"The jury also wishes to recognize Alon: Journal for Filipinx American and Diasporic Studies with an honorable mention. We were impressed with the journal’s thoughtful and important intervention at the intersection of several fields and its welcoming of contributions from diverse authors, including activists, artists, educators, and journalists. We believe that Alon offers an exciting model for open access publishing in ethnic and diasporic studies and congratulate the editorial staff on the choices they have made so far in regard to amplifying its distinguished mission and scope, as well as building partnerships with academic, arts, and community institutions, to launch this important journal."
Check out the information directly from the CELJ website by clicking here or the link below.
Check out Alon by clicking here or the link below.