Event Date
2021 Bulosan Filipinx Studies Conference
May 28-May 29th 1-5:45pm PST via Zoom
Register for free at tinyurl.com/RegisterBuloCon2021
Join our opening session at 1pm PST Friday May 28th via tinyurl.com/BuloMainRoom2021.
The Bulosan Center for Filipinx Studies, UC Berkeley PASS, and UC Davis Bridge are excited to announce our second research conference, set for Friday and Saturday May 28-29, 2021 from 1pm PST- 5:45m PST.
Held virtually, this conference continues our first conference’s conversations and dialogues around Filipinx Studies’ legacy and scholar activism.
We invite all students, community organizers, professionals, and community members to submit panel proposals, workshops, and academic papers falling under the study, movement, and community of Filipinx and Filipinx-American studies. Our conference looks to highlight undergraduate, graduate students, artists, and community organizers. Individuals are limited to one submission of a proposal for a 45 minute workshop, panel, or working paper.
This year’s conference theme is “Healing, Care, and Resistance”. Given the continuing pandemic and political climate, our communities have been forced to alter ways of building, organizing, caring, healing, and resistance. This conference hopes to shine light on how our Filipina/o/x community organizes, heals, and builds community both within the U.S. context, in the homeland, and throughout the diaspora. This conference invites conversations, research, and discussions on transnational activisms, virtual care, healing work, artivism, and various modes of community building.
Take a quick look at our scheduled line up of 36+ presentations and workshops here at tinyurl.com/BuloCon2021Glance or take a deep dive into our most up to date virtual program of the conference here at tinyurl.com/ProgramBuloCon2021.
For any questions, please email wejopanda@ucdavis.edu